A Bit of Bad Luck A Bit of Bad Luck

時長   1時 26分鐘
語言   英語
演員   Cary Elwes   Agnes Bruckner   Teri Polo  
編劇   John Fuhrman
台灣上映   04月17日 2014
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A Bit of Bad Luck劇情

Brooks Caldwell, (Cary Elwes) an erudite and handsome lawyer, seems to have it all: wealth, social status and a red hot career. His success is, in reality, a product of his marriage to his beautiful, socialite wife, Amanda, (Terri Polo) a wealthy timber heiress. Unlike most, who would remain content to enjoy a life of luxury and privilege, Brooks continues to risk everything by having extramarital affairs. Brooks' philandering, in addition to humiliating Amanda, has driven her to the point of a mental breakdown. Having been pushed over the edge, Amanda orchestrates a just and elaborate plan to bring her husband down. When Brooks leaves for a weekend romp with his latest squeeze, (Agnes Bruckner) his life quickly descends into a bizarre, nightmarish, downward spiral.

A Bit of Bad Luck演員

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A Bit of Bad Luck評論(1)

有點不好運不是我所期待的喜劇,我稱它比任何東西都更具戲劇性,因為電影有多麼戲劇性,直到你遇到一個有趣的位。我將在這裡說實話並告訴你,當布魯克斯(卡里埃爾維斯)遇到馬克(拉塞爾霍奇金森)時,我確實相信這個有趣的時刻,這個隊友往往比布魯克斯有更好的運氣。我之所以提到它的原因是因為Russell Hodgkinson,他是電視連續劇Z-Nation的Doc。我很震驚地看到這部電影就像Cary Elwes(公主新娘,Twister)Teri Polo(遇見Fockers)和Agnes Bruckner(The Returned)一樣非常出名。電影拖拽拖拽和拖拽,基本上布魯克斯試圖逃離這個顯然知道他並希望他離開的小鎮,這是將所有東西放在一起的結論,即使觀眾在結束之前將所有東西拼湊在一起。




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