《六人行》卡司響應「#All In Challenge」募資公益活動!珍妮佛安妮斯頓、安娜庫卓等人邀請歌迷重新加入「六人行」,在「中央公園咖啡館」喝咖啡


「嗨各位!我們很高興能夠加入這場『All In Challenge』,在這個艱困時期讓人們能夠飽足與健康。我們打算要邀請你和你的朋友們一同來到 24 號片場 (Stage 24) 加入我們六個好友,成為我們的特別來賓,親自參與 HBO Max 團圓節目的錄製過程,我們也會回顧這部影集並慶祝我們的各種有趣時刻……接著還能體驗到華納兄弟舉辦的[]VIP 體驗之旅。希望這能夠為人們帶來一些期待感。前往 AllInChallenge.com 並盡自己的力量捐款,無論是 10 美金或 25 美金,每一分錢都很重要。活動募得的 100% 金額都會全數捐至『No Kid Hungry』、『Meals On Wheels』以及『Feeding America』、『World Central Kitchen』。當這一切結束時,等不及要和你們見面擁抱了。在那之前,請利用視訊、電話、訊息等方式與你的親朋好友保持聯絡。」

We’ve accepted the #ALLINCHALLENGE! And we want you to be our personal guests in the audience for the taping as we all get together for the first time in ages and celebrate the fun we had, and more! Go to AllInChallenge.com to donate whatever you can. Every dollar counts and get a chance to win! All proceeds go to @nokidhungry, @mealsonwheelsamerica and #AmericasFoodFund which benefits @feedingamerica and @wckitchen

除了《六人行》的女演員們外,現階段很多新星們都爭相響應那場籌款公益活動,像是李奧納多狄卡皮歐 (Leonardo DiCaprio) 和勞勃狄尼洛 (Robert De Niro) 上週五就正式宣佈參予募資的粉絲們有機會在弗蘭克史柯西斯 (Martin Scorsese) 主演的《花月殺手》(Killers of the Flower Moon) 客串演出並參予首映禮。而凱西福克斯 (Jamie Foxx)、瑪丹娜 (Madonna)、小賈斯汀 (Justin Bieber)、安德魯麥康納 (Matthew McConaughey)、席亞拉 (Ciara)、賈斯汀蒂姆懷特 (Justin Timberlake)、紅粉佳人 (Pink) 等人也都參予了那場「#All In Challenge」公益活動。

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Hi guys 👋🏼 ❤️⠀ ⠀ We’re so excited to join the ALL IN challenge to help keep people fed and healthy during this time. ⠀ ⠀ We’re inviting you and five of YOUR friends to join the six of us on Stage 24. Be our personal guests in the audience for the taping of our @HBOMAX reunion, as we reminisce about the show and celebrate all the fun we had 🥳 … and get the whole Friends VIP experience on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour.⠀ ⠀ We hope this brings a little joy, and something to look forward to. Go to AllInChallenge.com to enter… and donate whatever you can – $10, $25 – every dollar counts. 100% of proceeds will go to @nokidhungry, @mealsonwheelsamerica and #AmericasFoodFund which benefits @feedingamerica and @wckitchen. ⠀ Can’t wait to meet and hug you guys when this is all over 🥰 Until then, keep Facetiming, calling, DMing, and texting your friends and family. We gotta stay connected 🙏🏼

A post shared by Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston) on Apr 21, 2020 at 10:01am PDT

HBO Max 網絡平臺正式宣佈將於 5 月 27 日在北美地區上線,這使得《六人行》(Friends) 女演員珍妮佛安妮斯頓 (Jennifer Aniston)、瑞爾妮考克斯 (Courteney Cox)、安娜庫卓 (Lisa Kudrow)、麥特雷布藍克 (Matt LeBlanc)、安德魯派瑞 (Matthew Perry) 和彼得史威默 (David Schwimmer) ,全體在社群上動員,對粉絲們則表示,HBO Max 上的無腳本「團圓特別節目」,我們都有機會以尤其嘉賓的身份參予其中。

Hi everyone. Your Friends from FRIENDS want you to know something… We are all in!! You may have heard about the reunion special we are doing for HBO Max, well… WE ALL want YOU and five of YOUR friends to join the 6 of us on Stage 24. Be our personal guests in the audience for the taping where you’ll see us all together again for the first time in AGES, as we reminisce about the show and celebrate the fun we had. PLUS sip a cup of coffee with us in Central Perk and get the “Friends” VIP experience on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour. Go to AllinChallenge.com and give WHATEVER you can- $10, $25 – every dollar counts. 100% of proceeds will go to @nokidhungry, @mealsonwheelsamerica and #AmericasFoodFund which benefits @FeedingAmerica and @WCKitchen You in? #ALLINCHALLENGE Stay safe, see you SOON

HBO Max 將於 5 月 27 日在北美地區正式上線,但《六人行》的特輯上線時間仍未定。

珍妮佛安妮斯頓在個人 Instagram上則表示:

A post shared by Courteney Cox (@courteneycoxofficial) on Apr 21, 2020 at 10:01am PDT

A post shared by Lisa Kudrow (@lisakudrow) on Apr 21, 2020 at 10:01am PDT

而那個機會的由來是,現階段颳起荷里活的「#All In Challenge」公益活動,社會各界名現代人為的是幫助很多生活人挺過生活難關,要求歌迷們爭相響應。募資所得會全部匯到「Feeding America」、「Meals On Wheels」、「World Central Kitchen」和「No Kid Hungry」那些慈善機構,以保證每一有市場需求的家庭在禽流感前夕贏得食材。如果捐助就有機會和四名摯友一同至HBO Max 的《六人行》團圓電視節目現場,重新加入你最愛的「六人行」行列,與女演員們一同在「中央公園咖啡館」喝咖啡,並趕赴派拉蒙兄妹的劇組來一趟VIP 體驗之旅。

安娜庫卓和瑞爾妮考克斯皆在 Instagram 上分享公益活動有關細節,

文章標簽   花月殺手 六人行