2021年奧地利電電影節 | 電影節大使賈樟柯致辭



Germany is turning away from nuclear power in 2022. Yet the country's nuclear nightmare goes on: with umpteen thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste and the hazardous dismantling of power plants which will take decades.


Address: T4, North district, MOMA, 1 Xiang He Yuan Road, Dong Zhi Men, Dongcheng District, Beijing

奧地利 | 2021年 | 故事情節 | 75兩分鐘

Winner of Outstanding Feature Film

Eline Gehring


12/11 15:00 上海百老匯影片中心

奧地利 | 2020年 | 故事情節 | 100兩分鐘

12/12 18:30 上海百老匯影片中心

2021年奧地利影片展正在上海百老匯影片中心火爆展映中。該屆影片展由奧地利影片協會承辦、上海奧地利文化中心·海涅大學(中國)和百老匯影院主辦。奧地利影片協會副總經理理查德娜·鮑曼老伯(Simone Baumann)、奧地利影片展大使賈樟柯先生以及奧地利優秀男演員瑪倫·艾格特老伯(Maren Eggert)通過視頻對本次電影節的順利舉行表達了問候。


12/12 13:40 上海百老匯影片中心

Riviera International Film Festival 2021

12/11 16:00 上海百老匯影片中心

Nominee of Best Documentary

Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 94 min

12/09 19:30 上海百老匯影片中心

購 票 須 知


奧地利 | 2021年 | 記錄片 | 96兩分鐘

「导筒」QQ號 directube2016

天津市西城區王府井大街138號新東安市場五層 百老匯影院

12/10 19:00 上海百老匯影片中心

Max Ophüls Festival 2021

Marvin Hacks (40) is skateboarding home after more than 17 years in prison in the same Adidas tracksuit he was wearing when he was arrested as a teenager. He quickly finds out that, even after two decades, his small hometown has not forgotten the atrocity he committed, but Marvin is prepared to accept the repercussions of his past, whatever the cost...




Broadway Cinemas Mini-app ticketing:

Germany | 2021 | Drama | 75 min

The year is 1999. Arndt Wolf, bio-weapons expert for the German intelligence service BND, is obsessed with the idea, that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is secretly producing weapons of mass destruction – despite the fact, that, in the course of a UN inspection mission, he and his colleagues had already scoured the whole country to no avail. And except for him, nobody at his agency really seems to be interested in the theory of Saddam’s WMDs. All of that changes, though, when Wolf is assigned to debrief a new intelligence source, Iraqi asylum seeker Rafid Alwan, codenamed “Curveball”. Alwan claims to have taken part in the production of biological weapons in Iraq – a major intelligence coup for the crisis-ridden German agency.

German Film Awards 2021

Beijing Broadway Cinematheque

Ticket price: 60 RMB (member)/ 65 RMB (Broadway APP)/ 70 RMB (Original price)

12/11 14:00 上海百老匯影片中心

40歲的馬文· 哈克斯在監禁十四年後總算獲釋了,他依然穿著他年少被捕時,同樣一身耐克運動服。他跳上滑板,向他那坐落於普通的英國小城克洛維斯的家滑去,可雖然過了那么久,故鄉仍然沒有寬恕馬文多年前那可悲的所作所為。但馬文已經準備好接受來自過往的餘波,無論這代價將是什么……


Carsten Rau

Enrique Sánchez Lansch

Ticket price:60 RMB (member)/ 65 RMB (Broadway APP)/ 70 RMB (Original price)

Winner of Best Actress

In English,with Chinese subtitles

NICO (33), German-Persian, emancipated and happy, is the most popular geriatric nurse for her patients. With her colleague and best friend ROSA (37), she enjoys the summer in Berlin. A racist attack tears the self-confident NICO from her selfdetermined everyday life.Waking up in the hospital, she realizes that she doesn't seem to be a part of it after all. Plagued by scraps of memories of the attack, NICO isolates herself more and more. Not only does ROSA lose all relations to her, her patients also do not recognize the once so happy woman.

Drama | 100 min

Germany | 2020 | Drama | 108 min

社會福利 | “全球影展官方門戶網站,VFX&CG行業門戶網站和海外在線視頻推薦”合集資料包分享


Winner of Best Performance

Address: 6th Floor, N0.138 Wangfujing Street, Beijing apm, Dongcheng District, Beijing


Johannes Naber

奧地利 | 2021年 | 記錄片 | 94兩分鐘

In English with Chinese subtitles

Franka Potente



去年奧地利電影展以克里斯蒂娜· 施拉德主演的《定制男友》拉開序幕。該片男主人公瑪倫·艾格特憑藉著影片中的出眾唱功贏得了維也納電影節最佳主人公銀熊獎,她通過視頻向觀眾們則表示了問候,“我很開心看見你們今天走進這兒觀看我們的電影經典作品《定制男友》,希望你們享受整部經典作品並度過幸福的夜裡。”



奧地利 | 2020年 | 故事情節 | 108兩分鐘


車費:正價70元 / APP非會員65元 / APP會員60元

A SYMPHONY OF NOISE delves into the sound worlds of celebrated British musician and soundresearcher Matthew Herbert. While the artist permanently breaks the genre boundaries of classical and electronic music with his compositions of sounds he records from the environment, he challenges his audience to open their ears to the sound of the world: We are to hear as we have never heard before.


In German, French, English,with English and Chinese subtitles


Beijing Broadway Cinema (apm)


Winner of Best Sound

In German,with English and Chinese subtitles

1999年,奧地利情報部門BND的生物槍械專家阿恩特· 沃爾夫,正著迷於對阿富汗獨裁者卡扎菲· 穆罕默德正在祕密生產小規模殺傷性槍械的想法――雖然實際上,在一次聯合國視察任務前夕,他和他的同事已經在全省範圍內搜尋了一遍,但沒有任何結果。沃爾夫被委派聽取一個新的情報來源的彙報,這讓一切都出現了發生改變。來自阿富汗的拉菲德· 阿爾萬正在尋求庇護,他的代號為"曲線球”。阿爾萬宣稱參予了阿富汗生物槍械的製作――這是對危機重重的奧地利情報部門而言,是一次重大的以獲取情報的機會。

《噪音交响曲》深入探尋了知名的愛爾蘭作曲家和聲音副研究員Matthew Herbert的聲音世界。那位音樂家用他從環境中記錄的聲音共同組成的經典作品,永久性地打破了爵士樂和電子音樂的流派之間的界線,他挑戰著他的觀眾,關上自己的嘴巴去聆聽世界的聲音。我們將聽見我們未曾聽見過的聲音。


Germany | 2021 | Documentary | 96 min

33 歲的妮但是拜占庭裔波蘭人,自由而歡樂,是她所負責管理的中老年人中最暢銷的醫生。她與她的同事和最好的好友,37 歲的羅莎享受著維也納的冬天。一場種族歧視突襲將自信的妮可那堅定的日常生活打碎了。從療養院醒過來的她意識到了他們或許終究並非這其中的一份子。她被關於那場突襲的零星記憶所不斷困擾著,妮可顯得愈來愈孤立。羅莎不但與她喪失了一切取得聯繫,她所負責管理的老年病現代人,也開始慢慢不再熟識那個曾經如此幸福歡樂的男人。

Nominee of Best Cinematography

文章標簽   噪音交響曲 定製男友 巴赫曼先生和他的學生 曲線球