En 2009, Michel Bras, à la tête d'un des meilleurs restaurants au monde (3 étoiles, 19,5/20), décide de passer la main à son fils Sébastien. Un père et son fils. Tous les deux à un...
一次偶然中,海倫(海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 飾)和瑪格麗特(艾瑪·湯普森 Emma Thompson 飾)兩姐妹結識了威爾克斯一家人。在威爾克斯家所擁有的霍華德莊園中,瑪格麗特和威爾克斯太太(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Red grave 飾)的感情最爲要好,海倫卻在和保羅(Joseph Bennett 飾)的一段...
Waffle Street's riches-to-rags tale is an adaptation of James Adams' 2010 memoir of the same name (published by Sourced Media Books), which chronicles the financier's foray into th...
瑪格特(米歇爾·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 飾)是一個二十八歲的家庭主婦,和世界上大部分家庭主婦們一樣,瑪格特和丈夫羅(塞斯·羅根 Seth Rogen 飾)過著平靜而又穩定的生活,同時,一種精神上的空虛和失落也在慢慢侵蝕瑪格特的內心。一次偶然中,瑪格特結識了英俊帥氣的丹尼爾(盧克·科比 Luke Kirby 飾),一種奇妙而又激烈的感情猛...
In every generation, a torch passes from father to son. And that timeless dynamic is the beating heart of Tommy's Honor - an intimate, powerfully moving tale of the real-life found...
瞞著父親(湯姆•漢克斯 Tom Hanks飾)從法學院輟學準備當作家的特洛伊•蓋博(科林•漢克斯 Colin Hanks 飾)在報紙上看到一則徵個人助理的廣告,發現自己的未來老闆竟然是曾經風靡一時的“偉大的巴克•霍華德”。巴克(約翰•馬爾科維奇 John Malkovich 飾)是個精神第一論者,能通過意念催眠、透視和尋找物品。他的神奇表演曾使他以嘉賓身份出...
The film is set in colonial Virginia between the 1750s and 1781. Matt Howard (Cary Grant), orphaned son of a backwoods Virginia farmer, uses his connections with his schoolmate Tom...
IRIS pairs legendary 87-year-old documentarian Albert Maysles with Iris Apfel, the quick-witted, flamboyantly dressed 93-year-old style maven who has had an outsized presence on th...
A film about the life and career of the early rock and roll star.The musical career of Buddy Holly is chronicled, from the days when "Peggy Sue" was "Cindy Lou," a song about his f...