Biography from outlaw Belle Starr (Gene Tierney). The setting is the Civil War and its aftermath. Belle's family has lost their land to Yankees. She marries Confederate guerilla le...
Teddy Bears is a dark comedy about three couples who head to the desert to help their friend heal after the death of his mother. They would do anything for him - except for the one...
《羅伯特·肯尼迪 RFK》是羅伯特·多恩海姆(Robert Dornhelm)導演的2002年美國電視電影。它是在羅伯特·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy)的兄弟約翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)於1963年被暗殺後,通過他的眼睛發生的。在他度過這場慘案的過程中,他開始將自己定位爲...
In prohibition-era Chicago, the corrupt sheriff and Guy Gisborne, a south-side racketeer, knock off the boss Big Jim. Everyone falls in line behind Guy except Robbo, who controls t...
一面以光鮮的富豪公子哥面目示人,一面又披上蝙蝠俠的斗篷主持正義,布魯斯·韋恩(傑森·奧瑪拉 Jason O'Mara 配音)在光明和黑暗的道路上孤獨奔走。為了防止「刺客聯盟」的後代達米安(斯圖爾特·艾倫 Stuart Allan 配音)走上歪路,他對達米安進行著艱苦而嚴格的訓練。直到追查變態狂魔Dollmaker的過程中,這個惡棍被貓頭鷹Talon(傑瑞米·...