
12月18日 1994 台灣上映
故事梗概: 自從丈夫車禍去世後,茱莉婭一直艱難地帶著兩個孩子生活。雪上加霜的是,在聖誕節前夕她卻失了業,只能與孩子們賣些自制的蛋糕...
06月04日 1994 台灣上映
03月01日 2015 台灣上映
In 1994, the Montreal Expos held the best record in baseball until the mid-August strike and the entire post-season was cancelled.  The team never found success again, and in 2004,...
01月01日 1995 台灣上映
"During the 13 months, I spent in New York, I always had my camera with me. This film concentrates on direct visual impressions of my daily life in New York. It is a sketchbook mor...
01月01日 2022 台灣上映
This film weaves across sound, image, time, rhythm and place and is made up of a number of layers both sound and visual layered on top of one another, talking to and informing each...
10月26日 1994 台灣上映
1.Program Start;Coming Together 片頭:一起來 2.Practic Makes Perfect ...