
用戶 Neil手札情緣 The Notebook 的評價.

4 years ago
I'll be seeing u..
3 years ago
전쟁의 참상과는 거리가 먼, 낭만투성이 2차대전... 하지만... 담배연기 자욱한 bar에서 흘러나오는 'I'll Be Seeing You'만으로도 충분!!!

用戶 Gloria鐵十字勳章 Cross of Iron 的評價.

4 years ago
After seeing the film, Orson Welles cabled Peckinpah that it was the best anti-war film he had ever seen about the “ordinary enlisted man”.
2 years ago
1) 大鬼是按James Charles建模的嗎 2)兩位小朋友厲害值得漲工資 3) 芬芬合法了嗎 4) why am i crying seeing a jewish grandpa\'s ghost i miss my grandpa ok

用戶 LindaAn Ideal Husband 的評價.

3 years ago
「To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.」「At some point we all have to pay for what we do.」「Love cannot be bought. It can only be given.」「To look at a thing is quit...
3 years ago
メルギブソンのこの映画、実はよく出来てます。 Don\'t believe the critics, this movie is solid and well worth seeing. It has all the trappings of a classic Mel Gibson movie, but it has some great new plot...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
2 years ago
confession: i rly,rly dont think i know how dzyn works:) i dont think i know how anything works hehehe:) im seeing things in broad daylight and this journey is not comforting, chee...
3 years ago
好看吶!創意已然匪夷所思,還不乏所有商業片的元素,靚湯還是很帥氣的。一次次令人瞠目的情節反轉,雖然這設定肯定會有點漏洞存在,不過真的滿足了。\"I\'m tired of seeing the future\".
3 years ago
TS小角度但普通, Colin M和Christoph Roth這兩片牽強附會、不知所云、裝模作樣, Bartek D的家庭錄像和山野風光片、但止於溫馨。不如真的去讀下老爺爺的Ways of Seeing, 可能觀點舊了但至少真誠吧。
2 years ago
An I, Daniel Blake caper, the story of a bus driver, once imprisoned for not paying his TV tax, conducting a Robin Hood-style act of stealing a treasured painting from the British ...

用戶 Smhnorllet17歳の瞳に映る世界 的評價.

2 years ago
Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always is pretty far from a feel-good film. A teen has to cross state lines to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. She and her friend steal money from work a...
2 years ago
It\'s hard to approach deafness or blindness in the way paralysis was explored in The Diving Bell and Butterfly. How can a film sell if there is no sight or sound to it? Sound of M...

用戶 RlaerruychMORE モア 的評價.

2 years ago
I\'ve owned the Pink Floyd soundtrack to this film since high school. I was surprised to see it is being released in Japan, as so much time as passed at had let go of the possibili...

用戶 Isidore侍酒師 Somm 的評價.

3 years ago
太棒了好到難以言表,既拍出了紅酒的魅力,拍出了考試的難度又拍出了幾個人物鮮明的個性(不過能考到這個程度的必須要有點off吧),最後的緊張激動和失落都好能感同身受。there's nothing more exciting than seeing a subject I like so much depicted so well and in such a u...
1 year ago
看之前往劇院衝竟然被人問:are you going to see harry styles?hhh! 映前看到斯皮堡本人!喜歡這個故事,中間那段很dramatic的地方我本來預感到的時候有點擔心處理得很狗血但是挺感人的,旁邊的大哥哭得超大聲還一直抹眼淚至少持續15分鐘(= =||)。感覺斯皮堡老了以來拍了好多跟電影有關的電影啊。seeing Sam doi...