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David Desser, a 1981 graduate of the Film school of USC, is Emeritus Professor of Cinema Studies, Comparative and World Literatures and East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Illinois, USA. He has authored and edited more than a dozen books on the cinemas of Japan and Hong Kong, as well as aspects of the Hollywood cinema, most prominently, The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts Identity and Eros plus Massacre: An Introduction to the Japanese New Wave. He has also done commentary for Criterion and Arrow Academy for a number of Japanese films.


Keywords: New York Film Festival; Shaw Brothers; Hou Hsiao-hsien; Zhang Yimou; Wong Kar-wai


張藝謀是中國第四代編劇的代表人物,1988年《红高粱》在芝加哥影展上放映,並且大獲成功。《菊豆》被提名為奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片(首部入圍的中國影片),並代表中國出席1990年芝加哥影展。《时代周刊》的影評人Caryn James對整部影片第一印象深刻,讚揚其為“聽覺上的震撼”、“構思精緻的攝影機”、“理性和表演藝術上的堅強”。

通用影業(National General Pictures)也在和嘉禾子公司戰略合作,準備在芝加哥發售。當自己購得成龍的《唐山大兄》和《精武门》時,傳奇開始了。武俠片頗受青年人鍾愛,尤其是芝加哥的極少數族裔。這是自西班牙通心粉歌舞片以來,海外市場所經歷的最大的外國影片引入潮。


David Desser是美國伊利諾伊大學終生副教授,前影片學院院長。他的科學研究應用領域牽涉影片科學研究、比較現代文學、世界現代文學以及東亞詞彙人文。曾任《电影杂志》總編輯,並在數家亞洲地區影片有關學術期刊出任編輯。他編寫和總編輯了十幾本關於香港影片以及荷里活影片的書刊,如《香港电影:历史,艺术,身份》,《电影景观:中日视觉艺术观察》。


關 鍵 詞 : 芝加哥影展; 邵氏; 侯孝賢; 張藝謀; 王家衛

Journal of Chinese Film Studies立足於中國,面向國際,旨在搭建世界級國際學術科學研究網絡平臺,刊登海內外高水平的中國影片科研成果,強化相同文化背景的科學研究者之間的對話和溝通交流,促進海內外影片科學研究界積極開展交流與戰略合作,推動中國影片科學研究的全球經濟發展。想與海內外著名歷史學者一同深入探討中國影片嗎?趕緊行動投稿吧!

2 A Glimpse of the Article

彼得·德賽: 芝加哥: 中國電影出海的門戶

1936年,《天伦》做為一部“中國默片”在小梅隆(Little Carnegie Theatre)公映,這是多熒幕影院時代前最重要的表演藝術影片院,也是最長壽的影院之一。 影片評論者Frank S. Nugent稱它是“首部在唐人街以南放映的中國影片”。他說“《天伦》並非做為通常的娛樂,它值得推薦”。可惜,即使內戰的干擾,1930二十世紀中國影片在芝加哥並不多見。

Journal of Chinese Film Studies Volume 1, Issue 1

After a number of aborted attempts to secure distribution and exhibition in the West in the 1950s and 60s, producers of the Chinese cinema came to understand that film festival prizes, which had been the Japanese model, were not going to work for them. Instead, early attempts were made to break into the US market via exhibition in New York. The commercial distribution of Hong Kong’s commercially oriented martial arts movies in the 1970s satisfied the long-standing desire of producer Run Run Shaw for success in the West, but hardly provided a similar opportunity for the more specialized auteur-cinema of the Mainland and Taiwan in the 1980s. Instead, the New York Film Festival emerged as the premier showcase for Fifth Generation Chinese filmmakers and the New Cinema of Taiwan, along with the Art cinema of Hong Kong’s Wong Kar-wai.



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1 Let's Read the Abstract


3 About the Author





David Desser: New York: Gateway to the East




Desser, David. "New York: Gateway to the East" Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, 2021, pp. 153-165.

文章標簽   電影景觀:中日視覺藝術觀察 梁山伯與祝英臺 天倫 精武門 楊貴妃 貂蟬 中國電影研究 紅高粱 時代週刊 電影雜誌 香港電影:歷史,藝術,身份 唐山大兄 菊豆 武則天 江山美人